Welcome to [ORAID!],
This site is created by Indonesian Oracle Fans, to fullfill need of
Oracle Fans all over the world.
[ORAID!] also provided mailing list for Indonesian speaking people
to share information, tips & trick, technology, knowledge, job vacancy
and many more that related with Oracle Database/ Tools/ Application/
Development/ etc. You could write using both Indonesian or English.
To subscribe send blank mail to oraid-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
or fill the subscribe form on the left.
Please note: This site is independent of and does not represent Oracle
Corporation in any way. Oracle does not officially sponsor, approve,
or endorse this site or its content
All the site is changed to have a new look. I hope you can enjoy
it. But some page is not ready yet.We apologize in advance for any
inconvenience this may cause.